From left to right  Front row- Pre-K- Hazi Woods, K- Rhett Campbell, 1st- Slate Smith, 2nd- Emmaleah Stowe, 3rd- Jake Boles,  Back row- 4th- Benjamin Bowen, 5th- Cordell Hesterlee, 6th- Dacoda Denton, 7th- Raelynn Davis, 8th KorleyAnn Batchelor
From left to right  Front row- Pre-K- Hazi Woods, K- Rhett Campbell, 1st- Slate Smith, 2nd- Emmaleah Stowe, 3rd- Jake Boles,  Back row- 4th- Benjamin Bowen, 5th- Cordell Hesterlee, 6th- Dacoda Denton, 7th- Raelynn Davis, 8th KorleyAnn Batchelor