Student of the 1st Quarter
Congratulations to Kayeton Barnes!!

Parent/Teacher Conferences Next Week!!
Tuesday, October 12th
3:30-9:30 PM

Tomorrow is the last day to get your order placed for the apparel being sold by Smithville FFA. https://gearorders.com/collections/smithville-braves

Congratulations to our 3rd/4th grade basketball teams for a job well done in the Albion Tournament. The girls brought home 3rd place, while the boys came away as the runner-up!

High School Basketball Schedule 2021-2022

Choctaw Nation nurses will be at the Smithville Public Schools Administration Building Monday, October 4th giving flu shots. Consent forms have been sent home with students. Only students with a signed consent form will receive the immunization. Shots are free of charge and will be available to any community member who would like to receive one. They will begin at 9 a.m. and finish when they have served all students, faculty, and staff who wish to receive the shot. It is recommended for community members to show up as close to 9 as possible. They will also be available at the Choctaw Nation Community Center in Smithville Wednesday, October 6th from 11-1.

October Lunch Calendar

October Breakfast Calendar

The 3/4th and 5/6th Basketball teams will play at Shady Point on October 7th at 4pm. Both of the 3/4th games scheduled with Eagletown have been cancelled!

Don’t forget to pick up your Smithville FFA mums before they are sold out! Colors include yellow, orange, purple, and white!

High School October Calendar

October Elementary/Middle School Calendar

Frequently asked questions for the P-EBT Cards.

Krispy Kreme doughnuts will be ready to be picked up after 2:30 today! Kiddos will be delivering this evening! There will be a few extra dozen for sale if anyone missed getting an order. If you have any questions, contact Amanda Morris after 2:30 today @ 580-244-3281

3rd & 4th Grade Basketball Schedule

Don't Forget!! Krispy Kreme Doughnut orders are due tomorrow! September 24th!

Smithville FFA mums are ready to rock! $20 each . Colors include red, yellow, white, and orange! Come by and see us to get ready for fall!

Join us tomorrow, September 22nd, at 7:30 a.m. for refreshments, and 7:45 a.m. for prayer at the flag pole outside the administration building. See you at the pole!

We’re thrilled to announce Smithville Public
Schools’ new app! It’s everything Smithville, in your pocket.
Download the app on Android:
https://bit.ly/2X11CAU or iPhone: https://apple.co/3kZz4A5.

Don't forget! Tomorrow is the school Blood Drive! Join us in saving lives!